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Adding the Prestashop Connector to your Locale instance
Adding the Prestashop Connector to your Locale instance
Joe Heider avatar
Written by Joe Heider
Updated over a week ago

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The Prestashop connector from Locale allows you to select specific content from your Prestashop instance and quickly send it to be translated. By automating this process, you can quickly scale the presence of all your products into global markets. And by connecting it with your existing workflows, you don’t need to make changes to your translation provider, whether it’s a single person, a translation agency (LSP) or even an MT server.

What you’ll need to get started

  1. The Login link for Locale (

  2. The login link for your Prestashop instance.

    1. Note: This is provided to you by your PrestaShop account manager, support team, or contact person. If you are unsure of this information, please contact your system administrator or your PrestaShop representative.

  3. User login information for both your Locale instance, and your PrestaShop instance

    1. A trial account of Locale can also be taken for free by going to and selecting the “Get Started” button

Notes on creating the Access Key from Prestashop

When creating the access key in Prestashop for the configration of the connector, there are 3 main components which are required in order for Locale to access the content. These criteria are:

  • Product resources must be enabled (see screenshot below)

  • Language resources must be enabled (see screenshot below)

  • The PrestaShop webservice must be enabled (see screenshot below)

Adding the PrestaShop Connector to your Locale instance

  1. Start by accessing Locale with your username and password.

  2. Once logged into Locale (instructions on that can be found here) we’re greeted with our Dashboard, which looks like the image below.

  3. Select the Add Project button and, using the filter list to the left, select the e-Commerce option and choose Create Project under the Prestashop connector.

  4. Next, you’ll be asked to provide 2 pieces of information from your Prestashop instance to configure the connector:

    1. Store Domain: this is the location where your store is hosted (

    2. Access Key: This can be found by accessing Prestashop as an Admin > Advanced Parameters > Webservice.

  5. Selecting Next will then allow you to select the source and target languages for your project. Once selected, select the Add Project button, and the analysis of the PrestaShop store content will automatically begin.

  6. Once complete, Locale will display the total number of words and segments which require translation.

Creating a Prestashop translation project in Locale

To create a PrestaShop project in your Locale instance, you’ll need to configure the PrestaShop connector to your Locale instance with the steps above.

  1. After adding the PrestaShop connector to your Locale instance, you’ll be asked to enter the language information for your project, and select the Add Project button.

  2. Locale will automatically connect to your PrestaShop instance, and perform an analysis on the content that needs to be translated.

  3. And you can choose where to send your content for translation, either a TMS, MT engine, or directly to a contact for processing.

  4. Once the content has been translated, it will be delivered back to your PrestaShop instance.

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